Thursday, February 14, 2008

A tragedy Iraqis will never forget

I did not find this article on the blog that I am planning to follow. I stumbled across this site, almost by accident and it has left a memory with me that I will remember for a long time.

The blog, titled "old stories of the war" describes a tragic event 17 years ago in Iraq when an American pilot obeyed orders to drop a bomb and consequently burn a thousand people to death. This order was due to claims that the building was hosting meetings of high ranked military personnel.

I had never even heard about this event previous to reading the blog so it really shocked me to find out about this holocaust.

I think the pictures on this blog offer a great example of how photojournalism can be just as powerful as the accompanying text.

Personally, I found the pictures to stir up more emotions as they were so shocking and striking to the eye. I think those images will stay with me for a long time.

A basic summary of the events are as follows:

Three bombs were dropped into a shelter where about 1000 people were sleeping.

The shelter was thought to be filled with mostly women, children and elderly.

Ironically, they were using this shelter to protect themselves from the American bombs.

Everybody in that building except six burned to death.

Here is a quote the blogger got from one of the survivors. I found this to amplify just how tragic this event was.

‘My son was only 5 days old. I don’t even remember his face. I don’t have a photo of him. I can’t even proof that he ever existed.’

These people lost their lives in circumstances that are painful to imagine - Over a decade on, stories like this are unfortunately being repeated.

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