Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Will Google kill Journalism as we know it?

There are those who will snarl at any new development in media. TV was supposedly going to kill radio, Internet was going to kill Print.
But we only have to look at our present situation to see that this has not happened. No media platform has yet to crash and burn but instead has adapted itself to the environment in the best way that is possible.

The idea experimented with in Epic 2015 that google could Buy out the New York Times may not necessarily mean print journalism will die out. Google could combine its internet skills and future mobile outlets with the reputation and knowledge of the New York Times.
An acquisition of the New York Times could therefore be viewed as a way of expanding the options through which news can be accessed. It may also help to counter act the 70% decline in value that the New York Times has witnessed over the past five years.

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