Monday, April 21, 2008

Journalists in War

I liked the way the April 17 blog on Checkpoint Jerusalem The Last images of a Gaza cameraman captured the scene. The death of a journalist, or any citizen for that matter, is a sensitive issue and requires you to approach it with a level of respect.

23-year-old Reuter’s cameraman Fadel Shana was filming the violence in Gaza when he was hit by a shell and killed. In my personal opinion, I think it is important for people to see this video to understand the heroic work these journalists are doing and to highlight the dangers still present in places like Gaze.

Having said this, I understand that this video would probably not be suitable for the 6pm news as it captured the moment Shana died and then filmed the dead bodies of the other victims. This may be viewed as indecent for TV broadcast.

This is where blogging on the issue becomes important. There are fewer restrictions on the blogger.

This blog also had an "update" four days later. This was used to inform the reader on the progress of the formal investigation.

Updates are a useful method for bloggers because you have the ability to get the information up quick and inform the reader alongside the main article. This allows the reader to connect the context to the update.

Picture credit: Reuters
Picture of: Fadel Shana

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